Tag: Hand Washing Sink

What are the Advantages of a Self-Contained Portable Sink?

A self contained portable sink is useful when you need the instant help of a washing station. The requirement of such a sink is worth in gold at an outing with the entire family or a group. A trip can be considered as a great experience if all the aspects fall neatly into place. The outing can turn into a messed up experience with the use of a self contained portable sink.

Self-Contained Portable Sink

Wash your hands and clean the dishes properly in the sink. The mobility and ability of the portable sinks make it a favorable choice for outdoor applications. The portable sink can be extended to its functionality where a built-in unit is not available nor feasible.

Here are some reasons that highlight the use of sinks –

The sinks are light and compact

It is easy to transport the material from one place to the other. The dimension and weight of the sinks make the job easier. The self contained model has the capacity to store fresh water and wastewater. It does not require many rounds of refilling and the capacity of the tank helps to retain the content for a longer period.

Utensil washing facility and easy access for kids

The sinks are manufactured in various sizes that permit the easy access to kids. The sinks are designed with a deep basin for washing of utensils that is necessary on location.

Maintains hygiene 

Hygiene is an important aspect to maintain the personal and family health. It will be imperative to maintain the hygiene through hand and utensil washing. The self-contained portable sinks from reputed manufacturers will help the ease of refilling.

It can store hot and cold water

The sinks can dispense hot and cold water. So the product is used for all seasons. Don’t compromise on your hygiene.

The sinks are easy to maintain

The sinks have a locking cabinet beneath it that holds different types of water. The content can be easily disposed and be cleaned or replaced with ease.

The usefulness of self contained portable sink makes it a popular item for outings. These types of sinks are able to function independently and the models have separate storage tanks. It carries the plumbing and waste disposal system with it and it has its own built-in water supply tank and a waste water reservoir that gives it the advantage of portability. The sinks are built with a variety of materials to suit the functions or to match the interior decor.

Save a lot of time and money by renting a portable sink that can immediately provide hot and cold water. There is portable sink rental service provider, Rent A Portable Sink, which provides renting facility at an easy cost. You can call their professionals @ 1800-513-8562 and get consultation regarding the various models available.

The self contained portable sinks can be used for camping use, in child care or hospital facilities, parlors, catering, and food services. Always follow the hand washing recommendations and requirements to maintain the proper health of your family.


Things to Keep in Mind While Considering Portable Sinks on Rent

Numerous organizations offer portable sinks on rent for occasions and for work sites. Before renting portable sinks, it is critical to look into organizations painstakingly to find out about valuing, arrangements, and friends encounter. Organizations shift in the services they offer, and a few organizations have more involvement with this service than others do. Regardless of which organization you pick, there are a couple of ways you can get ready for your rentals.

Portable Sink on Rental Basis

To start with, see if you should get a permit to put compact sinks at an occasion area. A few districts require permission for this. On the off chance that you require a permission, you’ll need to petition for one preceding renting the facilities.

Next, investigate the alternatives of the temporary sinks offered by each organization, alongside estimating. A few organizations offer photographs on their sites to empower you to peruse facilities before renting. Numerous organizations offer an assortment of restrooms with various sizes, developments, and civilities accessible inside the units, for example, hand sanitizer and notwithstanding flushing. Bathroom tissue allocators, lockable entryways, and a seat with a top are standard highlights for practically all compact sinks.

Choice units may likewise highlight urinals, hand cleanser, hand sanitizer, paper towels, an inherent sink with running water, a mirror, latrine flushing, a rack for holding belongings, and room deodorizers. Choice units regularly offer more space inside the unit too, and some additionally include warmth and aerating and cooling for included solace. A few facilities isolate the restrooms for people, and others are unisex facilities. You could likewise rent a different hand-washing station outside of the brief washrooms; finish with sinks, cleanser, and paper towels.

Valuing relies upon the alternatives you pick and the number of units you require. Organizations ought to have the capacity to help you with deciding the number of facilities you should suit the number of individuals you expect at your occasion. A few organizations charge nonrefundable reservation expenses, particularly for orders that incorporate fancy units. Other shrouded expenses could incorporate a fuel additional charge, transfer expenses for discharging the units, and additional energies for pick or conveyance on ends of the week. Any statements you get ought to incorporate these expenses, so affirm statements to guarantee that all charges are uncovered. In the event that you plan conveyance and get on non-end of the weekdays, your costs could be lower.

Another issue to consider is the manner by which the organization will benefit the portable sinks. Your rental assertion ought to incorporate conveyance, set up, and get up toward the finish of the period. Contingent upon the time span you should stay with them, a should return more than once every week to keep up the washrooms, exhausting, cleaning, and restocking them to keep them usable. The organization agents who play out this work must be obliging and proficient. Most brief restrooms will suit up to 100 uses previously they should be exhausted.

If you are searching for the best organization who offers the great quality of portable sinks on rent. At the point, you can contact http://www.rentaportablesink.com. Contact them and get the best service as you expected.

Get the Excellent Benefits of Portable Sink on Rental Basis

Are portable sinks and wash stations essential in childcare or preschool classrooms today? There is a considerable measure of reasons why there ought to be such a station inside a classroom including various advantages of having them close by. The following are a couple of pointers emphasizing the requirement for portable sinks for classrooms and these can enable you to decide on the off chance that you are intending to begin your own childcare or a preschool and don’t know where to begin.

Portable Sink on Rental Basis

Guarding Children

The straightforward demonstration of washing hands expected kids to go down purge corridors to restrooms. Customarily it likewise required a man to be devoted to the errand of going with the little children amid these breaks. With portable sinks for classrooms, instructors can watch out for the children as they achieve their washing in the class itself. They are protected and under the vigilant gazes of the educator in control constantly.

Educating the Basic Hygiene Function

A classroom or childcare is where kids start to comprehend the social structure. Amid this time when they are shown general cleanliness, they can likewise be educated the significance of cleaning up after finishing a movement or before eating. Undertaking these activities inside a gathering will likewise make the propensity for sharing and sitting tight for their turn when there is an extensive number of children holding up to wash their hands.

Portable Factor is Advantageous

Field treks and picnics make some imperative thoughts and enable youngsters to find the delight of investigating in an instructive way. In places like open parks or different areas where the washing regions are generally far away, portable hardware can make it conceivable to make the undertaking of washing hands, sheltered and clean. With portable sinks for childcare, educators can assign eating regions nearer to the coveted areas. In addition, twin washing portable sinks will guarantee that various youngsters can complete their assignments without making a long holding up time.

If you are searching the best company which provides portable sink rental service, you are in the right place. Rent APortable Sink offer the best sink for rent. Just visit the website http://www.rentaportablesink.com of the company and choose the product of your choice. You can also email them at info@rentaportablesink.com or call them at  1-800-513-8562

Why do you Need a Portable Hand Washing Stations?

Portable hand washing station helps washing hands and utensils outdoors when you are out for an event or any party. Traditional sinks cannot be carried to all places and most outside locations don’t have an installed hand washing sink. With portable sinks, you have the convenience and opportunity to have instant, hot water anywhere you imagine. Enjoy the luxury of hot and cold water that will implicate clear health benefits for streamlining of the solutions. There are many portable sink rent providers who will deliver the sink at your desired location.


The biggest benefit of a portable sink is to provide high-quality washing solution wherever needed. It is the first line of defense against germ attack and it is becoming in the areas where traditional sinks are not available. At a festive event or any occasion, portable sink is gradually becoming the norm of the place. It is the best way to prevent germs from coming into contact with users. An outdoor or indoor hand washing station is a great option catering, food service applications, classrooms, indoor locations, medical, and health facilities.

Portable hand washing at a cost-effective rate

It is the most cost-effective solution to bring hot and cold water sinks to locations where permanent plumbing is not a feasible solution. These sinks can be carried easily to different locations and the functions are simple too. It will contain fresh and waste water tanks in a cabinet on casters allowing them to be easily wheeled to any location. The self-contained sinks have options that include basin depths and faucet varieties. Most units also have an electric pump and hot water heater built into the cabinet, so just simple plugging will enable hot and cold running water.

The portable sinks are perfect for childcare environments where children can learn the hygiene techniques and it can be used in a variety of commercial businesses as well. Whenever to visit a sink renting company, get varied types of options for portable sink installation. There will no requirement for plumbing or water installation. These self-contained sinks will have all the things needed for operation with one compact unit. These sinks are far more mobile compared to traditional sinks. The overall goal is portability and it is achieved through heavy-duty front locking swivel casters or rubber threaded wheels. 

Fulfilling the need of outdoor and indoor hand washing

The portable hand washing sink comes in many different types of materials and construction options. The sinks will have a fixed basin with hot and cold water available all the time. There will also be space for storing the dirty water which can be cleared at a convenient time. There will be a separate compartment for that with easy water filling option. The wash basins can be used for different kitchen works. There are sinks with multiple basins and it will help maintain proper hygiene.

The sinks are convenient and it also cost effective. The renting companies will provide you many options to book different hand washing sinks at a very affordable price. Please contact Monsam Enterprises for all your portable sink rental needs.  You can also contact them  @ 1-800-513-8562 or visit http://www.rentaportablesink.com.